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Vote NO on Amendment 4 this Nov. 5 th

We Can End Abortion In Florida

On June 24th, 2022, the Supreme Court made a historic decision. In the Dobb's Decision, the court recognized that the Constitution does not confer the right to abortion—a partial victory for life. But as we reflect, we must acknowledge a crucial shortcoming: the court stopped short of fully protecting the preborn. 


Their Constitutional duty was to acknowledge the right to life of the preborn under the 14th and 5th Amendments. Instead, they washed their hands of it and kicked it back to the states. They refused to acknowledge the self-evident truth that the preborn are persons and deserve the right to life as all American citizens.


This leads to some important questions that should concern us. If we don't extend the right to life to the preborn, do we deserve it ourselves? If we deny justice for the preborn, should we be shocked by the injustice running rampant our nation?

As we think back to our nation’s history, it’s clear that we are once again divided. It is no longer divided by free and slave states, but blue and red states. One of the ways we are polarized amongst the states comes down to those who crave abortion till the moment of birth for any reason or no reason at all and states that seek to ban it in some way. Tragically, no state has yet to abolish it, they have been content to just regulate it. However, just as we once fought a bitter Civil War for the right to liberty, we now face a battle to protect the right to life for the most vulnerable among us—the preborn child in the womb.

Now, imagine this: a group calling themselves Floridians Protecting Freedom, cloaking themselves in the language of liberty, have put together an Amendment that would enshrine abortion in Florida's State Constitution.  Tapping into the anti-government sentiment and using deceitful language such as "limited government" and "freedom" they’re pushing for a "Vote Yes on Amendment 4" campaign. This is an attack on the very principles that blessed our nation. It is an assault against the State Constitution of Florida and most crucial, it crushes under foot the right to life of the preborn who are made in God's image.

So, here we are, at a crossroads. Will we allow our state to be swayed by deceptive rhetoric, or will we stand firm in our commitment to life and liberty? On November 5th, we have a choice. Let’s ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit the same freedoms that we have enjoyed.

Thomas Jefferson once stated, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” As Floridians, we must ask ourselves: do we want a government that upholds this sacred duty? The answer is self evident. We must defend our future and protect life in the womb by voting NO on Amendment 4.

Let us come together, united in our resolve to protect the innocent. On November 5th, let your vote be a stand for justice, for life, liberty, and for the future of Floridians.  VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4!

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Fight to save our future in Florida

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